


GOGOLOOK Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") hereby provide the "Whoscall Privacy Policy" (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy") to help you understand our policy and procedure for collection, use and disclosure of personal data accessed by us from users of Whoscall Website https://whoscall.com/ (the "Website") and services or software provided by it (the "Whoscall Service", including but not limited to, the "Whoscall Applications", and the related service or software series released by us).


Please see the "Company" Terms of Service at https://whoscall.com/en-US/support/terms/, so you may find more information about how to manage the data you choose to submit to the "Whoscall Service".


The "Policy" is applicable to the data submitted by users to us via the "Whoscall Service" and the open information displayed by us on the user interface when the user accesses to the "Whoscall Service".


The "Policy" is only applicable to the data submitted by users to us via the "Whoscall Service".


The "Policy" may be amended from time to time. In the case of any material change in the Policy, we will post the new Policy on the "Website" or notify you of the same via the "Whoscall Applications". We suggest that you should view the "Policy" periodically with a view to confirming whether any change in the Policy takes place.




Unless otherwise provided in the "Policy", the terms used in the "Policy" shall have the meaning as defined in the "Company" Terms of Service.

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    Data Collected and Usage


    Data collected by the"Company". The "Company" will collect data from the "Whoscall User", “Whosecall Visitor”, “Third Party Database”, “Search Engine Database” and “User Generated Content” to make the same available to the "Website" and "Whoscall Service" or for any other usage agreed by you in the service terms and conditions for upgrading efficiency and optimizing or improving the “Whoscall Service”, and, insofar as it is permitted under the service terms and conditions, for any other purposes consistent with protection of personal data and privacy. The data collected by the "Company" include but are not limited to "User Data " and "Caller ID", as well as the “communication and equipment marking data” accessed from the communication equipment applied by you. "User Data" means the information stored in your phone which is transmitted via your operating system and browser per access authority, and information you choose to be uploaded to the "Whoscall Service" upon your consent to the User Experience Optimization of "Whoscall Service" intended to improve and develop related services, including but not limited to your own phone number and search logs or block logs, marks or notes about the calls related to or connected with you, the GPS site or communication service quality presumed or judged by the system independently via your access to the “Whoscall Service”, and the search log of the keywords you might use in the "Whoscall Service" and your purchase history in the Service. Meanwhile, in order to identify the Whoscall visitors visiting or accessing your device, you will have to submit your contact person list, favorites list and blocklist, in order to help the "Whoscall Service" provide feedback to you immediately for search and identification of the caller ID. Further, when the “Whoscall user” feeds back any problem about the program and reflects any related matters via the “Report other problem” or other transmission functions in the “Whoscall App”, the “Whoscall Service” would use the personal information and private messages submitted by the user here (including but not limited to, the device information, call log and messages, et al.), as the important reference for investigation and shooting of existing trouble, improvement on the basic service quality, and future research and development of new functions.
    \n\tContact Information. In order to fully utilize the core services of Whoscall, you must first agree to share contact information such as names and numbers. This can assist us to activate the caller identity finder function and optimize our anti-spam services. We will never divulge any of your personal information outside of Whoscall services. Whoscall is liable for the security of user data, as a result we utilize double encryption technology: AES, a symmetric encryption algorithm on the user end, and SSL encrypted sessions during data transfer. All of your provided user information will be compiled into anonymous statistical analysis data that are not identifiable. We are very stringent with user data and will protect your privacy and security at all costs. Whoscall will never illegally sell or disclose your data to third parties outside of Whoscall services. Certain permissions are only requested to provide a better and more robust product service. You can cancel and refuse to continue providing any permissions at any time you wish, but the full scope of product services will be limited as a result.
    \n\t"Caller ID" means the contents submitted via your choice (including but not limited to the information you submit to us voluntarily) and any other information you provide to Gogolook for the ID of a "Whoscall User". You agree that "the Company" may review and read the "Caller ID SMS Format" in your phone, in order to provide you with the information about the telecommunication operator which provides services to your caller. Said data will be displayed on the "Whoscall Caller ID" in the form of your phone number, including but not limited to, your name, phone number and any other contact information you provide.

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    The "Company" cares about the protection of data, as well as your autonomy over the data. The security of \xe2\x80\x9cUser Data\xe2\x80\x9d (which includes your \xe2\x80\x9cPersonal Data\xe2\x80\x9d) submitted by users to us is one of the top priorities of the \xe2\x80\x9cCompany\xe2\x80\x9d. If you wish to delete your \xe2\x80\x9cUser Data\xe2\x80\x9d, in whole or in part, please contact us via service@gogolook.com, Whoscall will process your request and delete relevant data according to the Terms of Service within 30 days upon the receipt of such request.

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    The "Company" will collect data from the "Whoscall User" to make the same available to the "Website" and "Whoscall Service" for upgrading efficiency, and allow the "Member" and "Non-registered User" to manage and use the "Whoscall Service". The data collected by the "Company" include "User Data " and "Caller ID".


    In the process of your use of the "Whoscall Service", the data which the "Company" will ask to provide will include some data which would be identified as "Personal Data". "Personal Data" include but are not limited to your name, phone number, email box, credit card number or other debit note information, as well as your home address and email address. Some "Personal Data" must be provided for the use of the "Whoscall Service", but you may also choose to provide additional "Personal Data" in your personal "Whoscall Caller ID Data". You understand that when you fail to provide some "Personal Data" as required, the "Whoscall Service" will not be able to perform the Service function, in whole or in part.


    The "Company" might ask you for the “communication and equipment marking data” collected or processed upon your agreement to the service terms and conditions or any information related to you other than your “personal data”, e.g. your postal code and personal preference, which are generally identified as "Non-identifiable Data", as such data per se cannot afford to identify your ID expressly. Notwithstanding, if the "Non-identifiable Data" may be combined in the manner sufficient to identify your ID directly or indirectly (e.g. combination of your street number and postal code), the relevant data will be identified as a part of your "Personal Data"


    The "Company" use your "Personal Data" (under some circumstances, combined with "Non-identifiable Data") in order to provide the "Whoscall Service" and respond to your search primarily. Further, you agree that the “Company” may compile and conclude the “anonymous statistic analysis data” from the “de-identified” personal data and “non-identifiable data”, with the authorization under the service terms and conditions.


    Meanwhile, we also might use your "Personal Data" and "Non-identifiable Data" to combine them with the data collected from the other "Whoscall Users" in the internal system, and use, or provide a third party with the access to, the “anonymous statistic analysis data” which cannot afford to identify the concerned party, with the authorization under the service terms and conditions, in order to provide you with better experience, or enhance the Whoscall quality and help you understand how to use our services, or be dedicated to providing you with specific services, e.g. mailing of administration notices to you, or supply of products to you depending on your personal preference or restrictions.


    Technical Data. When you access the "Website" or interact with some service provided by us, or you are provided with or fed back some open information by the Company upon your access to the "Whoscall Service", as a "Registered User", "Non-registered User" or "Whoscall Visitor", our server will automatically record some data received or transmitted upon your access to the “Whoscall Service” or due to the “Whoscall Service”, so that we might collect the service information derived from the instruction about your access to or receipt of the information via the “Whosecall Service”, or kept or recorded upon your access to any other items provided by the “Whoscall Service”, provided that said service information will be collected in the form of “unidentifiable data”. By so doing, the "Company" may improve the "Whoscall Service" and also ensure that the Service may be available to you and meet your personal preference. The Company also appreciates your support toward the optimization and experience of Whoscall Service.


    Meanwhile, we might also collect the information, including but not limited to, your IP address and detailed information about your browser, as well as the cookie stored in your browser (small-size text file) or items, types and frequencies of the information provided by the "Whoscall Service" to you, namely the correlative information accessible by the Company due to your access to the “Whoscall Service”, in the manner unable to identify the concerned party, by virtue of the “de-identification” technology sufficient to eliminate the additional information able to identify the concerned party. Such correlative information may help us study and gather statistics of unidentifiable personal information so as to upgrade the "Whoscall Service" quality and customize the Service (including but not limited to, the advertisements and contents related to your preference). If you do not accept the “Company’s” collection, processing and utilization of said correlative information, you may choose to stop accepting the program from us via the customer’s service channel, but you might not be able to use the "Whoscall Service" in whole or in party therefo


    For the purpose of maintenance, we will link the user information collected by us to our server or to the central server managed by a third party subcontractor, and integrate, including but not limited to, the information about user's IP address, operating system, website system, type and edition of database, and the information provided by the "Whoscall Service" to users, in order to input the similar information which might be needed by users as value-added reference during their access to the Website.


    Other mobile phones. The "Whoscall Service" is only applicable to the mobile phone owned and used by you per se. The "Company" will send a message to your mobile phone to notify you of the password to ensure that you own the phone number accessible to the "Whoscall Service".

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    Data Sharing and Disclosure


    You agree that any messages or comments and related websites you share in the business blog or application of the "Company" may be disclosed to the public. Any data you choose to provide in your messages or comments will reflect the level of information which you hope the other users know about you. Gogolook suggests that you should use an anonymous name and protect sensitive data. Meanwhile, the "Company" also encourages the "Whoscall Users" to carefully think about their personal data to be disclosed in their messages or comments.


    Data compilation and non-identifiable data. The "Company" will combine your "User Data" and "Caller ID" with the other Whoscall Users’ data into the “anonymous statistic analysis information” which cannot afford to identify the concerned party, by virtue of the ‘de-identification” technology. Insofar as it is necessary to maintain your information safety, with respect to the user data provided by you to the “Whoscall Service”, the “anonymous statistic analysis data” exclude any “personal data”, and all of the "Personal Data" included therein will be separated and encrypted, and all related logs will be replaced by random numbers. In the Whoscall database, the Company is dedicated to completing de-identification with a series of long digit codes free from identifiable personal characteristics. All of the data about "Whoscall Visitors" used, searched or accessed by you will be identified and logged in said manner, and be analyzed, classified and identified based on the data about Whoscall users represented by a series of long digit codes. Please note that Whoscall Service will not log, collect or save your call record lest the risk over your use of data should be increased or your use of data should be affected adversely.


    The "Company" will keep the "anonymous statistic analysis data", "Non-identifiable Data", and the logs between a third party for the purpose of analysis, so that the "Company" may continue to upgrade the Whoscall Service quality. Notwithstanding, the "Company" will not share your "Personal Data" with any third party for any purpose.


    Service provider. The "Company" might retain a third party service provider to help it manage and provide the "Whoscall Service". Notwithstanding, unless the service provider is required to run the "Personal Data" involving the specific service you already agree, the "Company" will not permit the service provider to access or contact your "Personal Data" when the data are not encrypted. For example, if you receive an email from the "Whoscall Service", the email management company commissioned by the "Company" will have the chance to access your email address. The "Company" will demand that the service provider should undertake and warrant in writing that it will not use the personal data accessed or contacted by them without permission or against laws, or for any other purposes.


    In order to improve the "Whoscall Service" quality, you agree that the "Company" may make your "Personal Data" available to the external technical developers who have entered into the non-disclosure agreement with the "Company".


    Compliance with law and law enforcement. In order to comply with laws, protect the property and right of the "Company" or a third party, maintain the public or any individual safety, or prevent any activities potentially against laws and ethics, if it is required by laws and it is necessary, the "Company" shall be entitled to make any of your data available to governments, law-enforcing officials, or any third party permitted under laws.


    Transfer of business. In the case of merger, acquisition, reorganization, sale of assets or bankruptcy, the "Company" will not preclude its business from being sold, assigned, or transferred in any other manners, in whole or in part, so that the business information including your "Personal Data" and "User Data" or "Caller ID" might be accessed or received by a third party.

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    Alteration or deletion of your data


    The user who wishes to delete or hide his "Caller ID" shall e-mail to privacy@gogolook.com and then follow the procedure and file a complaint per instruction.

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    Changes of the Policy


    The Policy might be amended from time to time. If it is the case, Whoscall will post the new policy on Whoscall Card Website, or notify you of the same via the "Whoscall Application Program". The changes will take effective immediately on the effective date designated when the new policy is promulgated. Your continuous access to the various services provided by the Company and application programs for relates services shall constitute your agreement to the changes and undertaking to comply with the changes. If you disagree to the changes, you shall stop accessing all services and related application programs provided by the Company. We suggest that you should check up the Policy periodically to ensure whether there are any changes of the same.

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    The "Company" cares about the protection of your "Personal Data". In order to protect your data from unauthorized access, Gogolook will apply the safety standards, hardware and electronic equipment required under the local laws applicable in the jurisdiction where the "Company" are situated.

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    Cross-border Transmission


    Your data might be transmitted and stored in any computers located in the territories other than the territory, province (state) or country where you are located or in any other jurisdictions where no privacy protection is applicable availably like where you are located. If you are located in any country other than Taiwan and choose to provide your "Personal Data" to the "Company", the relevant data will be transmitted to Taiwan directly and be processed in Taiwan. If you agree to the "Company" "Privacy Policy" and submit the data, you agree to such transmission.

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    Link to Other Sites


    The "Website" includes the links to other sites. The "Company" access to some website or display of some advertisement does not represent any affiliation with the third party, or acknowledgement, license or representation between us and the third party. The "Company" does not have the control over the third party’s website. Therefore, when you visit other sites via the "Website" or "Whoscall Service", the "Company" hopes you to read their privacy policies or statements carefully.

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    Fake sites


    The "Company" care about ID theft and "Fake Sites". The "Company" take the protection of your "Personal Data" as the first priority. The "Company" will never ask you for your credit card information, account and ID, password or national ID No. or equivalent identifiable codes via an unsafe or unknown email or phone number, now or in the future.


    Notwithstanding, should you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, please e-mail to: privacy@gogolook.com

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    Child Policy


    Whoscall will not collect the personal information of any children less than 13 years old intentionally. If the parents or guardians of any children find that the children have already provided their personal information to Whoscall without approval from them, they shall contact us via service@gogolook.com. If Whoscall finds any personal information provided by children less than 13 years old, Whoscall will delete all related documents, but this does not represent that Whoscall is able to or obligated to prevent or delete the personal information provided by children less than 13 years old.

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Revised on May 5, 2020
